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Jo chats ‘all things’ Sensory Regulation with Monique & Michelle on the The Neurodivergent Woman Podcast

Jo chats ‘all things’ Sensory Regulation with Monique & Michelle on the The Neurodivergent Woman Podcast

A few months ago, I had the privilege to be invited to chat on The Neurodivergent Woman Podcast with Monique & Michelle.
I won’t lie, it took me more than a month to listen to it. The day it was recorded, I was actually having a ‘neurospicy’ meltdown and was struggling to mask during the recording.
Consequently, I very much felt it was the worst podcast I’d ever done in terms of chatting and sharing.
After it went live, I was flooded with messages thanking me and sharing its impact on those that had listened. It gave me the ‘courage’ to finally listen. I sat in my car, together with my mum, so that I had support if needed, lol. Months later, I am still getting frequent, gorgeous emails of encouragement. So, thank you!
Today I share the link with you, not so much so you get to listen to my voice (grin), but more so, that there might be some gems contained within that might encourage, affirm or comfort you.

Link to Podcast

I can’t thank Monique & Michelle enough for the trust and opportunity to be on the podcast and for holding the ‘space’ in a safe way that I could be authentic and real.   
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