Kaiko Fidgets
Sensory Solutions for Work, Home & School
Kaiko Fidgets is based in Melbourne, Australia and is co-founded by Kai, who is both autistic & dyslexic. The Kaiko range of discreet and noiseless fidgets is for both adults & kids to assist with mental health, anxiety & focus. Kai started making fidgets for himself, at age 11, and soon realised there was very little available. Kai (now in his teens), with the help of his parents, have created designs to suit a wide range of needs.
There are many fidget stores out there but NONE that are COMPLETELY & OBESSIVELY dedicated to providing sensory supports & hard-core fidget tools for TEENS & ADULTS
We have made it our absolute mission to carve out a space that feels comfortable & delivers an extensive range JUST FOR YOU!
We believe everyone has a place & a right to feel comfortable using sensory items in any context. Products that are more your “vibe”.
Our fidget range has been carefully selected to provide a line-up of discreet, quiet & cool tools that can easily fit in your pocket or hand.
Our range is carefully selected by a 'neurospicy' team that are passionate about providing a broad range of products that are both age appropriate and needs based.
There are some that assist with picking and harm minimisation (spikey range), rhythmic stimming (hand rollers and his chain fidgets) and soft soothing (caterpillar & caterpillar necklace). We carefully source and select additional products to compliment the range we manufacture for their ability to help, support & assist in daily life.
We are often asked where the name Kaiko came from. It’s actually the combination of Kai and his younger brother Kobi’s names – Kai – Ko. Kobi did want his full name but Kaikobi didn’t quite sound right lol. Kai’s favorite colour is orange and Kobi’s is teal – thus the logo colours.
We also really appreciate when others share any needs they have been unable to find help with, as many of the products we have developed have come into existence because someone was brave enough to chat though their specific, unmet need. Is there anything you need that you cannot find – We love coming up with new ideas!
Kai - Creator
Kai, struggles with anxiety and is both on the spectrum and dyslexic.
Kai started making fidgets in 2017 at age 11 as a result of being teased at school for using colourful, kiddie like fidgets. Determined to find something suitable and stylish for himself, he turned to metal! Soon enough, instead of being teased - he got requests for them!
Kai, together with his parents, started going to markets with them and it quickly became evident how big the need was. The rest, as they say, is HISTORY…
Whilst it’s amazing that a business has come out of his own needs the biggest thing for Kai has been IMPROVED self-esteem. This has LITERALLY changed his life.
Joanne - Co-founder & Kai’s mum
Jo has an Occupational Therapy background & is especially passionate about sourcing and developing appropriate sensory tools for teens and adults, with a focus on harm minimisation and emotional regulation. As someone who is both autistic and ADHD, Jo has a unique lived experience perspective that enables her to unpack and understand the sensory needs of others.
Known for her humorous over-sharing, Jo is a pro at living on very little sleep and has a ‘neurosparkly’ special interest and hyper focus in assisting others to match sensory needs to the right sensory supports.
If you would like advice please feel free to contact her via email at jo@kaikofidgets.com
Mike - Co-founder & Kai's Dad
Mike, Kai’s dad, together with Kai, is a master creator in our Melbourne based studio of the majority of our range. Together with Joanne, they source high quality, robust products and materials to create designs that are both cool and discreet. Mike also attends many of the events and markets.
Kobi - Kai's younger brother
Kobi, Kai’s younger brother, in 2020 has commenced his ‘fidget making’ apprenticeship, starting with the hexa range & is looking forward to getting more involved.
So you see it is very much a family business.